Wednesday 02/22/23 ☆ Mercury Trines Mars ☆ Revitalizing Mentally & Refreshing physically. Great #Energy for taking action on plans and productive activities. Also Great #Energy for communication and improvement on verbal skills. *Duration 2 days. Felt 1-2 days before &/or after.
Tag: SUPERMoon
☆ Mercury Squares Uranus ☆
Tuesday 02/21/23 ☆ Mercury Squares Uranus ☆ Great #Energy for innovation, new discoveries & experiences. Feeling of enthusiasm in actions & responses. ♡Awareness: Risky activities &/or decisions. Boredom, inconsistencies &/or indifference. *Duration 1-2 Days. Felt 1-2 Days before & after.
Welcome to the Super New Moon in Pisces !
Welcome to the SUPER New Moon in Pisces ! This Super New Moon in Pisces will focus on YOUR Destiny, Healing, & Patience. Be on the look out & allow New opportunities to help assist you. These opportunities are not fast track results. Your results will unfold slowly so that they are lasting. Anything that Destined for you, you want it to last right? This is way you have to be patient because it will unfold for you, so it can last. This SUPER New Moon can be emotional but thats okay. It's Healing. By the way, the #Energy that coupled with this New Moon teaching us patience..... The one and only Great Teacher SATURN! Blessings A'Ja Simms #SuperMoon #SuperNewMoonInPisces #PiscesSeason #Energy #Moon #Luna #NewMoon #PiscesNewMoon #NewMoonInPisces #MoonCycle #FebruaryNewMoon #Emotional #Healing #Destiny #Emotions #Daily #Astrology #Astronomy #SuperNewMoon #TheMoon #DailyAstrology #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @Revolvinglove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @revolvingLove(Pinterest)
Welcome to the Super New Moon in Aquarius !
Welcome to the Super New Moon in Aquarius ! This Super New Moon in Aquarius is extremely positive. The #Energy for this New Moon is positivity in your mental strength. Allow yourself to release what you've out grown. Embrace the #Aquarius energy during this Super New Moon by being or maintaining your independence. Of course, expect new beginnings, opportunities & circumstances. A #SelfcareTip for this time-Try to set some alone time for yourself to gain or regain mental clarity. Blessings A'Ja Simms #SuperNewMoonInAquarius #Energy #NewMoon #SuperMoon #NewMoonInAquarius #Luna #MoonCycle #MoonPhases #LunaMoon #AquariusNewMoon #SuperNewMoon #MoonMagic #Moon #MoonGoddess #TheMoon #Daily #Astrology #Astronomy #UranusInRetrograde #NationalHugDay #HugDay #DailyAstrology #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @RevolvingLove(Pinterest)
Welcome to the Full SuperMoon in Capricorn !
Welcome to the Super Full Moon in Capricorn ! Another #Powerful Full SuperMoon. This Super Full Moon in Capricorn is also called the Feather Moulting Moon. You may also hear & see this Moon being called the Full Buck SuperMoon. The #Energy for this Full SuperMoon in Capricorn focuses on #Healing by breaking down your Ego. Of your Ego has been getting in the way of ANY area of your Life, this Full Moon will highlight it. This Full SuperMoon job is to highlight what my be hindering you from your complete Healing in a certain area(s). When these areas and/or emotions comes up, allow them to surface, honor them, respect what comes up and needs to be released. Then safely release them. One easy and in expensive way to release unwanted Energy is by Journaling. They are many other ways, please pick what you resonate the most with. Great time to practice your #SelfCare routine regularly. Blessings A'Ja Simms #SuperMoon #FullMoonInCapricorn #FullMoon #FeatherMoultingMoon #Feathers #FullBuckSuperMoon #FullBuckMoon #Release #Ego #Healing #HealthyMentality #Luna #PositiveVibes #Healthy #Astrology #Astronomy #TheMoon #MoonMagick #MoonGoddess #MoonCycle #RevolvingLove #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #Retrograde ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @RevolvingLove(Pinterest)
Welcome to July 2022 giraffes !
Welcome to July 2022 ! Here are some highlights for this month: -on Wednesday 07/13/22 Full SuperMoon In Capricorn (Full Buck SuperMoon) -on Thursday 07/28/22 New Moon in Leo -on Thursday 07/28/22 Jupiter Retrogrades. Blessings A'Ja Simms #July #Energy #SuperMoon #TheMoon #FullMoonInCapricorn #CapricornFullMoon #FullBuckSuperMoon #FullBuckMoon #NewMoonInLeo #Retrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #Moon #MoonCycle #FullMoon #NewMoon #SuperFullMoon #RetrogradeSeason #Astronomy #Astrology #Revolvinglove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @RevolvingLove(Pinterest)