Friday 09/30/22 ☆ Mercury Opposes Neptune ☆ Great #Energy for creativity, creative hobbies, writing & speaking. Influencing others through emotional & sentimental communication. ♡Awareness: Foggy thinking, Misinformation, Gossip, mistakes in work, management, documents, negotiations, travel &/or business.Remember when are still in Mercury Retrograde until Sunday, October 2nd, 2022. *Duration 4 days. Felt 1-2 days before &/or after.
Tag: September
Welcome Home Venus! Venus Enters Libra !
Thursday 09/29/22 ☆ Venus Enters Libra ☆ Venus comes home to their natural state in Libra. Great #Energy for Arts, Creativity, Beauty, Fashion, Romance, Relationships, Business, Agreements. Balance & Fairness in relationships & group activities. #Venus #Enters #Libra #Energy #Retrograde #MercuryInRetrograde #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #Astronomy #RetrogradeSeason #Astrology #Revolvinglove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @revolvinglove (Pinterest)
☆ No New Astrological Events ☆
Please Check out the current #Energies already going on #Retrograde #MercuryInRetrograde #PlutoInRetrograde#SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde#UranusInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #Astronomy #RetrogradeSeason #Astrology #Revolvinglove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @revolvinglove (Pinterest)
Welcome to the New Moon in Libra !
Welcome to the New Moon in Libra ️! This New Moon in Libra focuses on Karmic Justice. Also See My Autumnal Equinox post Blessings A'Ja Simms #NewMoonInLibra #LibraSeason #Energy #Season #Karma #Harmony #Justice #Balance #Relationship #NewMoon #MoonCycle #Moon #Retrograde #MercuryInRetrograde #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #Astronomy #RetrogradeSeason #Astrology #Revolvinglove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @revolvinglove (Pinterest)
☆ New Moon in Libra ☆ & ☆ Venus Trines Pluto ☆
Sunday 09/25/22 ☆ New Moon in Libra ☆ See New Moon in Libra post ~AND ~ ☆ Venus Trines Pluto ☆ Great #Energy for financial businesses, decisions & negotiations. Increased attraction and dedication to someone or something. Increased passion and deepen of emotions. Positive appearance change. Great #Energy for banking operations & investments. ♡Awareness: CAUTION with Finances decisions because we're still in Retrograde Season. Even though this #Energy is favorable for it, it's doesn't means this is the perfect time for it. It means it's favorable but again 6 planets are RETROGRADE. Those Retrogrades hold heavy weight than a 2 day favorable Energy. *Duration 2 days. Felt 1-2 days before &/or after.
☆ Venus Opposes Neptune ☆
Saturday 08/24/22 ☆ Venus Opposes Neptune ☆ Increase magnetism & passion. Negotiations with powerful people. Making financial decisions based off the influence of other person. Felt 1-2 days before &/or after.
Welcome to Libra Season 2022!
Welcome to Libra Season! The sign of Libra is symbolized by the balanced scales. Libra's Zodiac Element is Air which means they relate to movement & motion. Their Zodiac Quality is Cardinal which means they are a Sign that ushers in Seasonal changes. Thank you Libras, for teaching the World how to be intriguing & savvy. Happy Birthday to the Libras !!! Blessings A'Ja Simms #LibraSeason #Libra #LibraNation #TheScales #Energy #Air #Venus #CardinalSign #Karma #Justice #Harmony #Movement #Changes #MercuryInRetrograde #Zodiac #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #Astronomy #RetrogradeSeason #Astrology #Revolvinglove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @revolvinglove (Pinterest)
☆ Mercury Retrogrades in Virgo ☆ & ☆ Sun Conjuncts Mercury ☆
Friday 09/23/22 ☆ Mercury Retrogrades in Virgo ☆ Mercury Retrogrades continues backward and goes into Virgo until October 2nd, 2022. Mercury is HOME in Virgo . As we begin Libra Season , Karma & Justice is heightened along with Harmony & Balance . ~AND~ ☆ Sun Conjuncts Mercury ☆ Quick thinking, improvements in communication skills, mental alertness & clarity. More clarity in directions that leads to Your Purpose. Great #Energy for business negotiations, deals, learning, contracts, administrative duties, writing, speaking & Media. Short travels are good during this time. ♡Awareness: Mercury is still Retrograded until October 2nd, 2022. There are also 5 other planets Retrograded until October 2022 as well. This is important when you deal with business &/or traveling. Felt 2-3 days before &/or after.
Welcome to the Autumnal Equinox !
Welcome to the Autumnal Equinox 2022 ! Autumnal Equinox is the 1 st day of Autumn, also known as Fall. Today begins the Harvest Season as the Season changes to Fall. Please remember we are in the heart of Retrograde Season, which means your Harvest may come in slowly but it least it'll last. Blessings & Plentiful Harvest to you! A'Ja Simms #AutumnalEquinox #Energy #Harvest #Autumnal #Autumn #HarvestTime #Fall #Season #Change #Abundance #Plentiful #Prosperity #Mabon #MercuryInRetrograde #PlutoInRetrograde #MercuryRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #Astronomy #RetrogradeSeason #Astrology #Revolvinglove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @RevolvingLove(Pinterest)
☆ Venus Trines Uranus ☆
Monday 09/19/22 ☆ Venus Trines Uranus ☆ Exciting emotional experiences. Changes in emotional state. An expected meeting. Unexpected financial income. Unexpected negotiations. Feeling Romantic. Positive changes to your appearance &/or style. Great #Energy for letting go of limitations that may have been hindering your progress towards your goals. Duration 2 days. Felt 1-2 days before &/or after.