Welcome to Winter Solstice 🌬❄!

     Welcome to Winter Solstice 🌬❄, also known as the first day of Winter, in the NorthernHemisphere. 
♡ Here are some beneficial #SelfCareTips for this Winter Solstice:
-Set & prepare for 2022 goals.
-Winter clean your environment. 
-Donate. Shelters & Rescue homes always are in need of food and necessary essentials. Socks, under garments & feminine products are always in high demand. Please make sure under garments are brand new within the manufacturing packages. 
-Prepare your favorite Winter beverage &/or dessert.
-Prepare for the Winter weather. Don't forget to check your emergency supplies like batteries, candles, wood (for fireplace), etc.
Happy Yule & Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms 
#WinterSolstice #Yule #Energy #Winter #WinterSolstice2021 #Celebrate #Festivities #Merry #SelfcareTips #Goals #Prepare #Cold #Wind #Snow #EndOfYear2021 #Success #Season #Nature #NewYear2022 #Weather #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Retrograde Season 2021 (Pluto, Saturn & Mercury)

Welcome to the beginning of 2021 Retrograde Season. Exactly it started with Pluto going Retrograde at the end of April.
Pluto has Retrograde in Capricorn 🌌♑ from 04/27/21 until 10/06/21 . Pluto Retrograded in Capricorn 🌌♑ will focus on rebirth & death of your old self. It a reminder that the Times are definitely changing & some old ways need to be left in the past.
Saturn has Retrograded in Aquarius 🌌♒ from 05/23/21 until 10/11/21. Saturn is the teacher & disciplinarian. This Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius will focus on erasing old boundaries to set new ones. Have caution when dealing with activities in &/or around a large body of water (Lakes, Rivers Oceans, etc)
Mercury has Retrograded in Gemini 🌌♊ from 05/29/21 to 06/22/21. Mercury has Retrograded in Gemini & focus is I have learned & grown. This Retrograde will also answer, where do you need to be more consistent? Are you communicating properly especially with family? And are you taking time to openly express yourself. Some other key themes for this Retrograde you restart, recommit, review, restoration, rebirth. Geminis ♊ & Virgos ♍ will be effected more than others during Mercury Retrograde period. Some other signs effected are Pisces ♓ & Sagittarians ♐.
♡The #SelfCareTips from the Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌕♐ still apply to this #Energy. They are listed again here below.
Here are some #SelfCareTips to possibly at to your routine:
-Dance. Nothing more nothing less. Dance with some feel good music. ( It’s okay to dance without music too.) Positive music just adds more uplifting vibrations. It doesn’t have to be professional or rigorous. Dancing keeps positive energy around you as well as helps blood flow within you body.
-Start some creative. Maybe something your start a while ago but never finished.
-Release ours expectations of you. You are you, let them be them. Be comfort with yourself.
-Drink a healthy amount of water. Whatever that health amount is for your body. We are change seasons soon & powerful energy shift, so hydration is very important.
-Participate in or create a deep & carefree conversation. Conversation is also a great way to express yourself in a positive way. Communication is one of the keys to clarity & successful.
-Take little steps in becoming more outgoing. Openly up slowly can help gain more opportunities in your personal & professional life. Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms

#MercuryRetrogradeInGemini #Energy #Restart #Review #Freedom #Expression #Reconnect #Restoration #Rebirth #InnerPeace #InnerWork #Retrograde #Season #Awareness #SelfCareTips #LifeCoaching #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetogradeTotalLunarEclipseInSagittarius #Astrology #MercuryRetrograde #Revolvinglove@ajasimms_(Instagram)
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to Gemini Season ♊!

Welcome to Gemini ♊ Season! The symbol for Gemini are the two lines that represent Twins or two bright stars. Their Zodiac Quality is Mutable, which means adapt quickly to change. Geminis Zodiac Element is Air, which means they are great speakers. Geminians embrace logic and being witty. Some people think that Geminians have two different sides to them. That would make perfect sense, because they need balance due to their characteristics of being intellectuals and spontaneous. Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Mercury Retrograde highly effects you, as well as your Sister sign the Virgos. Thank you to the Geminis for teaching the World how to communicate, be sociable & spontaneously curious. Happy Birthday to the Geminis ♊✨🎉🎈! Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms
Gemini #GeminiSeason #TheTwin #Mercury #TheLovers #SunSign #GeminiNation #Adaptable #Logic #Spontaneous #Communicate #Sociable #Thinker #May #June #Airsign #MutableSign #Geminis #Zodiac #ZodiacSign #MercuryRetrograde #Astrology #Revolvinglove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)