Welcome to the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio ! This Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is also called the Full Flower Moon, Full Blood Moon &/or the Full Moon in Scorpio. This is also a Super Full Moon with powerful Life changing #Energy. This Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will unveil what chapter maybe be ending in your Life. It's a transformational time! Emotional will be high as well as sudden Life changes. This Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is also at the beginning of Mercury Retrograde. There may be delays in project, relationships &/or situations. This Eclipse could effect your personal &/or your professional Life. Make sure you allow yourself time to think clearly (if possible). Try not to make any harsh emotional decisions. Thinking logically, create boundaries & enforce them and practice extra #SelfCare during this time.
Blessings A'Ja Simms
#Energy #FullMoonInScorpio #FullFlowerMoon #FullBloodMoon
#TotalLunarEclipse #SuperMoon #TotalLunarEclipseInScorpio #Astrology #DailyAstrology #Daily #Astronomy #PlutoInRetrograde #Eclipse #EclipseSeason #Retrograde #FullMoon #MoonCycle #MoonPhase #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook page)
Mercury Retrograde is from May 10th through June 2nd, 2022!
It's time to slow down & reflect. Starting with Self-Reflection. It is also time to complete already started projects, to adjust, edit, revisit, re-evaluate, rearrange, replan, and reschedule.
People from the past can reappear or get in touch. Aldo past situations can reappear to bring closure or a second chances. Remeber the Life Lessons you have learned from the situation. Please keep that in mind when making decisions for 2nd chances or closures.
Miscommunications and things unsaid will now come up to be addressed. Important conversations can usually happen during this time. Be very clear and aware of every interaction, email and giving & receiving of information.
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio will also be under this Mercury Retrograde in Gemini on May 15-16th, 2022 (depending upon where you are located in the World).
Blessings A'Ja Simms
#Energy #MercuryRetrograde
#MercuryRetrogradeInGemini #Reevaluate #RePlan #Review #ReArrange #ReVisit #ReStart #Edit #Adjust #Complete #TotalLunarEclipse #TotalLunarEclipseInScorpio #Astrology #DailyAstrology #Daily #PlutoInRetrograde #Eclipse #Retrograde #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook page)