Welcome to the New Moon in Scorpio 🌑♏!

      Welcome to New Moon in Scorpio 🌑♏! The #Energy for this New Moon in Scorpio 🌑♏ is a Spiritual reset. This Spiritual reset will help you discover new methods & forms of Love, that will bring you more freedom & peace into your Life. Make this adventure a positive experience that leads to more HEALING within yourself and your relationships. 
     ☆Expect powerful changes at the end of the month into the next couple of months. These powerful changes are due to the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 🌌♉  on 11/18/21 & The Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌♐ on 12/04/21. Eclipse energy can be felt 6 months before & after the Eclipse event. 
     ☆Here are some beneficial #SelfCareTips for this New Moon in Taurus:
-Allow changes to happen with less resistance as possible.
-Journal the changes that occurs and how you felt. Did you feel it was coming or was it a surprise?
-Go with the flow! Remember to have patience with yourself.
-Maintain wellness by  properly hydrate your body and getting plenty of rest.
-Trust in your Goals & Purpose!
Blessings 💛💚 A'Ja Simms
#NewMoonInScorpio #Energy #Spiritual #Reset #Love #Healing #Discovery #Change #NewBeginnings #Freedom #Adventure #Spiritual #MindBodySpirit #HealthyMentality #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde
#PartialLunarEclipse #PartialLunarEclipseInTaurus
#MoonCycle #Eclipse #Retrograde #Astrology #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram)
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to Scorpio Season ♏!

Welcome to Scorpio Season ♏! Scorpios are symbolized by an “M” with a scorpion stinger at one end. The Zodiac Element for Scorpio is Water, which means the serve in their emotions. Their Zodiac Quality is Fixed, which means they must stick to the decisions they make. Scorpio is ruled by planet Mars & Pluto. Mars is in Retrograde right now, & Pluto just started going Direct not to long ago. This means Scorpios you may feel a little sluggish or lack action. Here are some #SelfCareTips for the first half of your birthday season:
-Get some extra rest or catch up on your rest schedule.
-Open up & embrace a skill or talent that you have been secretive to others about.
-Recognize you are a boss
-Thank you Scorpios, for teaching the World how to enjoy a little mystery, as well as the awareness of self-protection. Happy Birthday 🎉 to the Scorpios ♏!!! Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms
#Scorpio #Energy #ScorpioSeason #HappyBirthday #Scorpion #SelfCareTips #WaterSign #FixedSign #Zodiac #ScorpioNation #Boss #Passionate #Reproduction #Phoenix #Mysterious #Protection #Mars #Pluto #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #Astrology
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Libra Season ♎⚖ 2021

Welcome to Libra ♎ Season! The sign of Libra is symbolized by the balanced scales. Libra’s Zodiac Element is Air which means they relate to movement & motion. Their Zodiac Quality is Cardinal which means they are a Sign that ushers in Seasonal changes. Thank you Libras, for teaching the World how to be intriguing & savvy. Happy Birthday to the Libras 🎉!!! Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms

#LibraSeason #Libra #LibraNation #TheScales #Energy #Air #Venus #CardinalSign #Karma #Justice #Harmony #Movement #Changes #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #Season #Zodiac #Astrology #Revolvinglove

@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)
@4everaja(Twitter) @RevolvingLove(Pinterest)

Welcome to the Full Moon in Aries 🌕♈!

Welcome to the Full Moon in Aries 🌕♈! This Full Moon in Aries energy 🌕♈ carries some of the leftover Mercury Retrograde #Energy. The focus of this Full Sanguine Moon is rebirth after releasing toxic situations &/or behaviors. Allow yourself to release any bad energy from your Life. This includes people. Then allow the positive & hopeful energy to come in & replace the negative. This Full Moon has some strong passionate energy because it is taking place in Aries energy.
Another names for this Full Moon in Aries 🌕♈, the Full Hunter’s Moon or the Full Blood Moon. Sometimes it’s also known as the Full Harvest Moon.
Time to prepare for the colder months ahead (in the Northern Hemisphere). Blessings💛 A’Ja Simms

#FullMoonInAries #FullSanguineMoon #FullHuntersMoon #Energy #Rebirth #Awareness #Wellness #Release #Healing #Optimistic #PositiveThinking #GoodVibes #Passion #HealthyMentality #MindBodySoul #FullMoon #MoonCycle #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #Astrology #RevolvingLove

@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to the New Moon in Virgo 🌑♍!

Welcome to the New Moon in Virgo 🌑 ♍! The #Energy for this New Moon in Virgo 🌑♍ focuses on discovering new ways you can invest in yourself. This is the time to dedicate extra time to goals and projects. (Keep in mind Mercury Retrograde begins at the end of the month and we are entering it shadows phase.) Virgos thrive off of organization and details. Embrace that Energy when you are doing your every day tasks and special projects. This is also a time to definitely start #SelfCare. Research what it is and what works for you. Make sure your #SelfCare routine is personal ONLY to you. Great #Energy for Investing in your. Your success is in the details. Happy New Moon in Virgo 🌑♍! Blessings💛 A’Ja Simms
#NewMoonInVirgo #Energy #SelfCare #Discovery #Focus  #NewBeginnings #Adventure #Dedicated #Details #Negotiation #InvestInYourSelf #Success #LifeCoaching #SelfCareTips
#PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde  #JupiterInRetrograde #NewMoon #MoonCycle #Astrology #Revolvinglove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to September 2021 🍇!

The juiciest fruits to harvest this month are grapes & pomegranates. Grapes & pomegranates are signs of abundance and would a great addition to celebrate the upcoming Harvest Season.
September starts the Autumn Season & doesn’t disappoints by coming in with some loaded events. (By the way, most of the Retrogrades end next month in October 2021!)
Some highlights for this month are:
-on Monday 09/06/21 New Moon in Virgo 🌑♍
-on Monday 09/20/21 Full Harvest Moon in Pisces 🌕♓🍇
-on Wednesday 09/22/21 Autumnal Equinox 🍂
-on Monday 09/27/21 Mercury Retrograde in Libra ♎
Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms

#September #Energy #Grapes #Pomegranate #Abundance #Harvest #Season #Fall #FullHarvestMoon #AutumnalEquinox #NewMoonInVirgo #Autumn #FullMoonInPisces #MercuryRetrograde #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #NewMoon #FullMoon #MoonCycle #Astrology #Retrogrades #Revolvinglove

@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to the Full Blue Moon in Aquarius 🌕♒!

Welcome to the Full Blue Moon in Aquarius 🌕♒. Also known as the Full Sturgeon Moon 🌕🐟. This is a special Full Moon 🌕♒! My blog post will be slightly different, so that you can use this Full Moon in Aquarius Energy wisely. This Full Blue Moon 🌕💙 has a strong. But it also has a very positive & motivational #Energy. This Blue Full Moon in Aquarius ♒ can also bring some strong emotions as well. Try to take it as some extra Healing release. It nothing to worry about. It’s just a process of still letting go of past hurts, to make room for the positive changes coming ahead for your very soon. Each person is going THROUGH different Healing process. Which means “very soon” will be before Harvest Season, if you allow the Healing to take place. Postivityly embrace the phrase, “Once in a Blue Moon”. Focus on that enthusiastic Energy, then take ACTION towards it. Happy Full Blue Moon in Aquarius 🌕♒💙! Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms

#FullMoonInAquarius #BlueFullMoon #FullStergeonMoon #Energy #Healing #FullBlueMoon #PositiveThinking #GoodVibes #Motivation #PlutoInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #NewMoon #MoonCycle #FullMoon #Retrograde #Astrology #Revolvinglove

@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to the New Moon in Cancer 🌑♋!

Welcome to the New Moon in Cancer 🌑♋! The #Energy for this New Moon in Cancer 🌑♋ focuses on being gentle with yourself because a Life changing shift is STILL happening now. This Energy may be a little sensitive & protective. Here are some #SelfCareTips to add or start during this New Moon in Cancer:
-Hydration. Please drink the appropriate amount of water for YOUR body.
-Set healthy boundaries during this time. It’s not selfish to protect your Inner Peace.
-Allow change(s) to come in with as less resistance as possible. It is what it is with the past. That’s doesn’t mean your pain or hurt isn’t real. But what’s really real is your present & future. Please choose to Heal now, for a brighter future.
-When possible, safely connect with supportive friends & family. It’s always good to be around supportive loved ones. Also be open to new friends &/or family members.
-Embrace & CELEBRATE 🎇 your new beginnings. Don’t forget to celebrate every milestone, no matter how small it is. Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms
NewMoonInCancer #Energy #Change #NewBeginnings #Healing #LifeChanges #SelfCareTips #ChangeYourMindset #Celebrate #Transformation #Development #SpiritualGrowth #New
JupiterInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #NewMoon #MoonCycle #Retrograde #Season #Astrology #Revolvinglove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Mercury Retrograde Reminders 📝

These are just loving reminders to be aware of during Mercury Retrograde.
-Practice your #SelfCare routine regularly. (Review, Rehydrate, Restoration, Rework, etc.)
-Allow yourself extra travel time, even when going to work/school.
-Communicate properly & clearly with others. It is common for miscommunication to be greater during this time. Don’t assume others understand or know what you mean.
-Backup all technology & remember to do cleaning, scans & regularly.
-Keep a watchful eye on your finances.
-Due to Saturn being Retrograde in Aquarius 🌌♒ Please Be alert in large bodies of water.
Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms

#MercuryRetrogradeInGemini #SelfCare #Energy #Restart #Review #Freedom #Travel #Technology #Communication #Reconnect #Restoration #Rebirth #InnerPeace #InnerWork #Retrograde #Season #Awareness #SelfCareTips #LifeCoaching #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetograde #Astrology #MercuryRetrograde #Revolvinglove

@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Retrograde Season 2021 (Pluto, Saturn & Mercury)

Welcome to the beginning of 2021 Retrograde Season. Exactly it started with Pluto going Retrograde at the end of April.
Pluto has Retrograde in Capricorn 🌌♑ from 04/27/21 until 10/06/21 . Pluto Retrograded in Capricorn 🌌♑ will focus on rebirth & death of your old self. It a reminder that the Times are definitely changing & some old ways need to be left in the past.
Saturn has Retrograded in Aquarius 🌌♒ from 05/23/21 until 10/11/21. Saturn is the teacher & disciplinarian. This Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius will focus on erasing old boundaries to set new ones. Have caution when dealing with activities in &/or around a large body of water (Lakes, Rivers Oceans, etc)
Mercury has Retrograded in Gemini 🌌♊ from 05/29/21 to 06/22/21. Mercury has Retrograded in Gemini & focus is I have learned & grown. This Retrograde will also answer, where do you need to be more consistent? Are you communicating properly especially with family? And are you taking time to openly express yourself. Some other key themes for this Retrograde you restart, recommit, review, restoration, rebirth. Geminis ♊ & Virgos ♍ will be effected more than others during Mercury Retrograde period. Some other signs effected are Pisces ♓ & Sagittarians ♐.
♡The #SelfCareTips from the Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌕♐ still apply to this #Energy. They are listed again here below.
Here are some #SelfCareTips to possibly at to your routine:
-Dance. Nothing more nothing less. Dance with some feel good music. ( It’s okay to dance without music too.) Positive music just adds more uplifting vibrations. It doesn’t have to be professional or rigorous. Dancing keeps positive energy around you as well as helps blood flow within you body.
-Start some creative. Maybe something your start a while ago but never finished.
-Release ours expectations of you. You are you, let them be them. Be comfort with yourself.
-Drink a healthy amount of water. Whatever that health amount is for your body. We are change seasons soon & powerful energy shift, so hydration is very important.
-Participate in or create a deep & carefree conversation. Conversation is also a great way to express yourself in a positive way. Communication is one of the keys to clarity & successful.
-Take little steps in becoming more outgoing. Openly up slowly can help gain more opportunities in your personal & professional life. Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms

#MercuryRetrogradeInGemini #Energy #Restart #Review #Freedom #Expression #Reconnect #Restoration #Rebirth #InnerPeace #InnerWork #Retrograde #Season #Awareness #SelfCareTips #LifeCoaching #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetogradeTotalLunarEclipseInSagittarius #Astrology #MercuryRetrograde #Revolvinglove@ajasimms_(Instagram)
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)