Mars Squares Jupiter

Wednesday 12/08/21Mars Squares Jupiter ☆
Determination & strong desire for success &/or achieving goals. Strong Empowering & motivating energy. Great time for anyone in sales, retail, sports and anything that involves competition.

Awareness: Pushing yourself too much by over scheduling, overdoing, over committing &/over indulging. 

*This energy can be felt 3-4 days before & after the 8th

♡SelfcareTips:-Stay balanced in your personal & professional life.
                           -Write your schedule & appointments down &/or input them into you devices.
                           -Maintain your wellness. Moderation is key.
                          -Stay focus on one task at a time.

☆ Mercury Squares Neptune ☆

Tuesday 12/07/21Mercury Squares Neptune ☆

Creative activities & talents are highlighted during this energy. Great time to start a hobby &/or nurture your talents.

Awareness: This energy also can bring some confusion, possible miscommunication or misinformation. Double check your documents or messages before submitting.
*This energy will last for 1-2 days after the 7th.

Welcome to the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐!

         Welcome to the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐, also known as the New Moon in Sagittarius 🌑♐! This event is taking place on Saturday, December 04, 2021. The Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐ is the last Eclipse and New Moon for 2021. This Total Solar Eclipse is positively POWERFUL #Energy that focuses on discovering your inner hero, re-evaluating your relationships (including the relationship with yourself) to regain balance, Life & career changes & Spiritual Awakenings. This Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is ushering in to invest in yourself & your abilities. Reframe from competition with others because your Energy needs to be focused on you & achieving your goals. Assert yourself in new investments, experiences & projects. The are alot of lessons to be learned from relationships at this time. Divine connections will be discovered & explored during this time. Be more loving to yourself because these connections will come to you. Your values & goals may change for the better as well as a healthy boost of knowing your self worth. Passion, Hope & Healing for your dreams is being restored during this time. This is also a great time to gain stability in your finances by creating structured budget.
♡ Signs must effected by this Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐ are Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini & Pisces. All signs are affected to some degree. ♡
☆ Please remeber that Eclipse energy can last up until 6 months before and after the Eclipse event. So this #Energy will still be around until late May 2022. Allow yourself to use this Energy in a Proactive way.
☆ Please check my last post (Wellness Check between the Eclipses) for some beneficial #SelfCareTips to navigate through this Eclipse Energy.
Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms
#TotalSolarEclipse #Energy #NewMoonInSagittarius #TotalSolarEclipseInSagittarius #SpiritualAwakening #InvestInYourself #Healing #Relationships #Goals #NewBeginnings #Stability #Finances #Career #LifeChanging #UranusInRetrograde #NewMoon #Sun #Moon #MoonCycle #SolarEclipse #Eclipse #SolarEclipse2021 #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to December🌌🌬❄!

     Welcome to December 2021 🌌🌬❄! This month is packed with A LOT of Positive forward movement #Energy. Here are some important highlights for this month on:
-Wenesday 12/01/21 Neptune goes Direct
-Saturday 12/04/21 Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐ (New Moon in Sagittarius)
-Friday 12/18/21 Full Moon in Gemini 🌕♊
- Saturday 12/19/21 Venus Retrogrades 
-Tuesday 12/21/21 Winter Solstice 🌬❄ (In the Northern Hemisphere)
☆ Some of the juiciest fruits in season for month of December are apples, oranges & pears. Try to adding some to your holiday celebrations this month for receive some nutritional benefits. Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms 
#December #Energy #TotalSolarEclipseInSagittarius #TotalSolarEclipse #NewMoonInSagittarius #NeptuneDirect #FullMoonInGemini #WinterSolstice #WinterSolstice2021 #VenusRetrograde #Manifestations #Harvest #UranusInRetrograde #NewMoon #Solstice #SolarEclipse #FullMoon #MoonCycle #Eclipse #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Wellness Check

   Just a little Wellness Check on you Family. Have you find you Serenity? If not here a calming time to discover it. Even though there are overlapping #Energies from both the Eclipses (Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 🌕🌌♉ 11/19/21 & Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌑🌌♐ on 12/04/21), there is a calmness going on right now. Of you asking will there be a storm later .... yes. It a POSITIVE one. Not all storms are bad. The Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is still POWERFUL but positive. If you haven't already been practicing your #SelfCare, it is a great time to start. Below are 5 quick activities to add onto your current routine or start a new #SelfCare routine. 
1. Hydrate. Hydrating your body with the proper amount of liquids for your body is essential to maintain your wellness.
2. Engage in a creative project or Journaling. Always allow yourself to have a positive outlet to express yourself.
3. Find your serenity & maintain it. Whatever Serenity is for you, find it, then show how important it is to you by maintaining it. 
4. Respect & Allow yourself to experience complete Healing. Respect your Healing process and allow the needed time to Heal completely.
5. Rest. Proper rest is also important for your wellness & Healing. You can also add in naps when available or adjust your sleep schedule so you can receive maximum benefits from your slumber.
Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms
#Energy #WellnessCheck #SelfCareTips #TotalSolarEclipse #Healing #HealthyMentality #Serenity #Hydrate #Rest  #Relax #Creative #SelfCare #Eclipse #Season #TotalSolarEclipseInSagittarius #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to Sagittarius Season ♐!

        Welcome to Sagittarius Season ♐!
Sagittarius ♐ Season begins November 22nd thru December 21st. Sagittarius is symbolized by an arrow of the Archer. Their Zodiac Quality is Mutable, which means courteous & flexible. Sagittarius Zodiac Element is Fire, which means they can be impulsive & independent. Sagittarius ♐ governing planet is Jupiter. Thank you to the Sagittarians for teaching the World how to manifest & be ambitious. Sagittarians, there will be a Total Solar Eclipse 🌌🌑♐ in your sign on December 4th, 2021 (New Moon in Sagittarius). Use that powerful positive Eclipse #Energy to manifest more abundance & prosperity for yourself for the next year to come. Happy Birthday to the Sagittarians ♐🎉!!!
Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms
#Sagittarius #TheArcher
#SagittariusSeason #HappyBirthday #MutableSign #FireSign #Jupiter #Expansion #Manifestation #Independent #Flexible #November #December #ZodiacSign #TotalSolarEclipseInSagittarius #Astrology #HappyBirthday #TotalSolarEclipse #Revolvinglove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome tonthe Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 🌌🌕♉ (Full Moon in Taurus)!

    One of the most powerful combination of events this year is the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 🌌🌕♉ & the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐. This event started with the 11/11 Portal last week that gave us a good glimpse of changes that to come. The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus & the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius #Energy will extend & open doors even up until mid 2022. Welcome to the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, also known as the Full Moon in Taurus  & this year's Full Beaver Moon 🌌🌕♉!
☆ This Full Moon in Taurus has very powerful energy that can trigger some intense emotions. This isn't a bad thing because this #Energy is actually here to purify the leftover pain and baggage that you maybe holding unto. This baggage is suppressing your complete Healing. This Partial Lunar Eclipse Energy is here to help you to empty yourself in a positive way to make room for a new things. This will allow you to prepare for a NEW phase, New Age, new knowledge, new lifestyle, new method of living. This is also the major theme for 2022.
☆ This Full Moon in Taurus focuses on the end of Cycles & the end of the Age of Pisces. Because this is the End of Age, this is time of connecting the dots, so that you can put all the pieces together to see the bigger picture. Depending on your age, you may reflect on your whole life, others may reflect certain events or situations that shows a pattern that will fell away from you. This will happen because those events or situations are not needed to move forward.
☆ Here are some beneficial #SelfCareTips to help you navigate thru the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 🌌🌕♉:
-Hydrate by Drinking the proper amount of water for YOUR body! Take extra good care of yourself doing this time. Not just for this Eclipse, there is another one on December 4th the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Every Eclipse can be felt 6 months before & after, but these 2 Eclipses are POWERFUL & STRONG! That focusing on ending things for positive NEW changes that will last for a long while. When these Eclipses Energy fade we will be already feeling the Eclipses of 2022!
-Allow yourself extra ME time. Please pay attention to your wellness. Your physical body, Mental & Spiritual.
-Remwber tears are Healing.. Try to express yourself in a positive way. Here are some examples of positive activities to help express yourself during this time: journaling, creative writing, singing, drawing (doodling), dancing, gardening, painting, & their many, many other creative ways to positively express yourself.
-Stay surrounded by supportive people. Set boundaries with others & respectfully enforce them. Everyone will not understand what you may be experiencing. Set your boundaries, make them clear, & enforce them when necessary.
-Stay true to who you are! Some truths will be revealed. People may test your character because they are in fear of not knowing what's next. Also the fear of seeing you grow. Remember the Life Lessons you've learned & your Spiritual growth. Stay true to you because you already paid that Karma. Don't go backwards!
-Allow yourself to let go of what you don't want & especially what you don't need anymore. This includes people & places.
-Practice your #SelfCare routine regularly. Allow yourself extra time in each activity. Even if it's just sitting by yourself or going for a short walk to the mailbox.
-Most importantly be patient with yourself, it not a race. It's your Healing & you are allowing yourself to move forward. Blessings 💚💛 A'Ja Simms
#PartialLunarEclipseInTaurus #PartialLunarEclipse2021 #Energy #FullMoonInTaurus #Healing #SelfCareTips #FullBeaverMoon #LifeChanging #HealthyMentality #Closure #Ending #TaurusFullMoon #TruthSeeker #Change #Truth #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde
#PartialLunarEclipse #FullMoon #MoonCycle #TotalSolarEclipseInSagittarius #Astrology #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram)
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

11/11 2021

1, 2 , 3 Manifest! Some heavy cycles are ending just in time for the upcoming Eclipses #Energy. Set some positive intentions but remember to allow room for changes. The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 🌌♉ & the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌♐ will bring unexpected positive changes. Blessings 💚💛🌟🪄 A'Ja Simms
#Manifestations #Energy #PositiveThinking #Change #NewBeginnings #HealthyMentality #MindBodySpirit
#NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde
#PartialLunarEclipse #TotalSolarEclipse #LawOfAttraction #Astrology #Revolvinglove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)