Venus Conjucts Pluto

Saturday 12/25/21

Christmas DayVenus Conjucts Pluto ☆

Feeling empowered. Intense & deep attraction to a person. Great #Energy for financial negotiations & communication. Emotional support from partners. Stronger sexual desires.

Awareness: Strong emotions. Feeling fixated on person or idea.

♡ #SelfcareTips ♡ 

-Maintain open & clear communication with your partner.
-Allow yourself to acknowledge your emotions.
-Practice positive releasing of your emotions.
-Think before reacting.
-Spend extra quality time with your romantic partner.

*Duration 2-3 days

Mercury Visible

Thursday 12/23/21Mercury Visible ☆

Mercury is visible til the end of 2021. Mercury will Retrograde in mid January 2022.
Great #Energy for any Sales, Trade, learning new skills or hobbies, marketing, Media & any writing activities.
♡ Virgos & Geminis during this time your manifestations will come quicker & have a strong influence. Please use this time wisely 🙂 ♡  Blessings💚 A'Ja Simms 
#Mercury #Gemini #Virgos #Energy #Manifestation #Quick #Goals #Projects #Influencer #Strong #Success #LOA #SelfcareTips #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to Capricorn Season ♑ 2021!

     Welcome to Capricorn Season ♑! Capricorn Season ends the year & begins another. Capricorn Season ♑ is December 22nd thru January 19th. Capricorn is symbolized by the Sea-Goat or a hoof with a fish’s tail. The Capricorn’s Zodiac Element is Earth, which means they are practical. Their Zodiac Quality is Cardinal, which means they assist in the changing of the Seasons. Capricorn Season ushers in the Winter Season (in the Northern Hemisphere & Summer in the Southern Hemisphere). Capricorn ♑ governing planet is Saturn. Thank you Capricorn for teaching the World how to be ambitious & hilarious. Happy Birthday to the Capricorns ♑ 🎉!!! Blessings💚 A'Ja Simms
#Capricorn #HappyBirthday #CapricornSeason #SeaGoat #Energy #December #January #Trustworthy #Hilarious #Saturn #CardinalSign #EarthSign #Winter #Season #WinterSolstice #ZodiacSign #EndOfYear #NewBeginnings #Astrology #Revolvinglove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to Winter Solstice 🌬❄!

     Welcome to Winter Solstice 🌬❄, also known as the first day of Winter, in the NorthernHemisphere. 
♡ Here are some beneficial #SelfCareTips for this Winter Solstice:
-Set & prepare for 2022 goals.
-Winter clean your environment. 
-Donate. Shelters & Rescue homes always are in need of food and necessary essentials. Socks, under garments & feminine products are always in high demand. Please make sure under garments are brand new within the manufacturing packages. 
-Prepare your favorite Winter beverage &/or dessert.
-Prepare for the Winter weather. Don't forget to check your emergency supplies like batteries, candles, wood (for fireplace), etc.
Happy Yule & Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms 
#WinterSolstice #Yule #Energy #Winter #WinterSolstice2021 #Celebrate #Festivities #Merry #SelfcareTips #Goals #Prepare #Cold #Wind #Snow #EndOfYear2021 #Success #Season #Nature #NewYear2022 #Weather #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Sun sextiles Jupiter & Mercury trines Uranus

Monday 12/20/21Sun sextile Jupiter ☆

Energy is more cheerful & optimistic. Also feeling of unity & determination. Great Energy for teaching, publishing, legal & foreign matters.

*Duration 1 or 2 days before or after 

~ AND ~

☆ Mercury Trines Uranus ☆

New ideas, good news, discovering new or missing information.
Support with details, planning, organizing, managing.
Great Energy for networking on social media, outings with friends or social group(s).

*Duration 1 or 2 days before or after 

Welcome to Venus Retrograde 🌌⚪!

      Welcome to Venus in Retrograde!  Venus rules relationships & finances. Venus is Retrograding Sunday, 12/19/21 thru January 29th, 2022. Time for some more introspection 😃. Yup, it's time to have a look at ALL the relationships in your Life for a review & balance inspection. The first relationship that needs a balance checkup is the relationship with YOURSELF! Yeah you come first. You health & wellness, mentality & Spirituality needs to be balanced. This is a perfect time to slow down enough for you to do those check-ins with yourself. Next, would be your relationship with family, friends & business. It's your decision to place them in whatever order you would like, then make sure your other relationships are balanced. Making sure you get back what you give out. Also don't forget how is your relationship with your finances. Let's Heal all of it! 
♡ The #SelfcareTips for this Venus Retrograde in Capricorn 🌌♑ is to check-in, review & balance ALL you relationships in your Life. Please remember relationships are Self, family, friends, finances & business.
☆ Awareness: If possible wait until a couple days after Venus Retrograde to start any new relationships or new financial ventures.
Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms
#VenusInRetrograde #Energy #SelfCare #Introspection #InnerPeace #Relationship #Review #Healing #InnerChild #Meditation #HealthyMentality #HealthyLifestyle #Balance #Reflection #Finance #Money #Success #Communication #Connection #EndOf2021 #WinterSolistice #UranusInRetrograde #Retrograde #Astrology #Revolvinglove 
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to the Full Moon in Gemini 🌕♊

      Welcome to the Full Moon in Gemini 🌕♊, also known as the Full Cold Moon 🌬🌕. This is the last Full Moon for the year 2021 & it time to allow let go of things that want to fall away. It is time to make form decisions to create positive changes. This Full Moon in Gemini 🌕♊ focuses on being open to new opportunities to improve finances and maintaining great health. Embrace the Full Moon in Gemini's #Energy by investing in yourself. The Full Cold Moon 🌬🌕 is a reminder to prepare for the Winter Season that is swiftly approaching.
♡ Here are some beneficial #SelfcareTips for this Full Cold Moon:
-Reach out to support if you need help or need to talk.
-Enjoy yourself & have fun! Keep in mind and practice moderation.
-Know your limits. This can be applied to people, places and things. This also applies your Energy.
-Allow 2021 lessons to stay in 2021, acknowledge the lesson and remember your growth.
-Be innovative & open to creating something new. Be detailed & eccentric.
-Invest in yourself. You may choose to take another direction with your finances by investing in something new or different. Please don't forget that investing in your health & wellbeing is always a benefit to yourself.
Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms 
#FullMoonInGemini #FullColdMoon #Awareness #Gratitude #Energy #Motivation #Encouragement #Appreciation #Shine #Success #SelfCare #Beyond #GeminiFullMoon #LawOfAttraction #InvestInYourself #DecemberFullMoon #WinterSolstice #FullMoon #MoonCycle #EndOf2021 #HealthyLifestyle #HealthyMentality #VenusInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #Astrology #Revolvinglove 
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Mercury Ingress Capricorn & Mars Ingress Sagittarius

Monday 12/13/21Mercury Ingress Capricorn ☆
Great Energy for practical communication through writing, business, managing & organizing.

~ AND ~

☆ Mars Ingress Sagittarius ☆
Positive & enthusiastic Energy for sports, sales travel, education (teaching & learning), international business & competitive business. Great multi-tasking Energy to focus on goals & different tasks.

Awareness: Leos, Aries &  Sagittarians will feel this Energy more to their advantage with forward movement. Virgos, Pisces & Gemini will be active but will have less of advantage.

Venus conjuncts Pluto & Mercury Sextile Jupiter

Saturday 12/11/21Venus conjuncts Pluto ☆
Increase in deep attraction & passion. Strong magnetic pull to someone or an intense passionate experience. Empowerment with the ability to negotiate very well with successful people. Support from your partner.

*Will last for 2-3 days.

♡ AND ♡

☆ Mercury Sextile Jupiter ☆
Positive & optimistic energy that can produce more opportunities. This energy supports legal matters, international business & education. Great & beneficial energy for travel & business.

*Can be felt a day before or after

♡ SelfcareTips ♡:
-Allow yourself to pamper yourself.
-Treat yourself & take yourself on a date or with your partner.
-Be open to take ACTION on new business opportunities.
-Be ready to negotiate with power people.