Welcome to the Super New Moon in Aquarius 🌑♒️!

Welcome to the Super New Moon in Aquarius 🌑♒️! This Super New Moon in Aquarius is extremely positive. The #Energy for this New Moon is positivity in your mental strength. Allow yourself to release what you've out grown. Embrace the #Aquarius energy during this Super New Moon by being or maintaining your independence. Of course, expect new beginnings, opportunities & circumstances. A #SelfcareTip for this time-Try to set some alone time for yourself to gain or regain mental clarity. 
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 
#SuperNewMoonInAquarius #Energy #NewMoon #SuperMoon  #NewMoonInAquarius #Luna #MoonCycle #MoonPhases #LunaMoon #AquariusNewMoon #SuperNewMoon #MoonMagic #Moon #MoonGoddess #TheMoon #Daily #Astrology #Astronomy #UranusInRetrograde #NationalHugDay #HugDay #DailyAstrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to Aquarius Season ♒️ ✨️!

Welcome to the Waterbearer's Season, as known as Aquarius Season ♒. Aquarius Season is from January 20th-February 18th. Aquarius is symbolized by the Waterbearer or water carrier. Even though water helps to symbolize #Aquarius, their Zodiac element is Air. This means when they do talk, pay attention because it will be powerful. Aquarius' Zodiac Quality is Fixed, which means they have determination. Aquarians are known for their great ideas. The Sister/Brother sign you can learn the MOST from are the Leos ♌️. You both enjoy relationships yet approach them with a different style. Aquarians, you are AIR 🌬, Leos are FIRE 🔥 and you both spark each toher in a positive way. Thank you Aquarians for teaching the World integrity & how to be a humanitarian. Happy Birthday to the Aquarians🎉♒! Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms #Aquarius #AquariusSeason #WaterBearer #Humanitarian #Determination #DeepThinkers #Persistent #January #February #AquariusSeason #Air #FixedSign #SunSigns #Uranus #ZodiacSign #Water #AquariusNation #Aquarians #Astrology #Revolvinglove 
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