National Hug Day 🤗💜!

    Happy National Hug Day 🤗! A hugs are a form of touch therapy & touch healing. Touch Therapy & Touch Healing is very real! A hug can help heal a person physically, mentally & Spiritually. Some benefits of hugging are stimulants emotions, lower blood pressure & heart rate and reduce anxiety. A hug can also reveal some awareness that someone cares. How many times have you giving a hug to someone and they said, "I really needed that"? Hugging is a two-way Healing street. The other person gets some Healing and so do you. Hugging is also a form of affection. Think about when was the last time you gave a hug or received one? Well today is your day, because here is a BIG HUG 🤗 from me! You don't need a National day to give or receive a hug. Lets challenge ourselves to see how many hugs you get or give today. You already started at 1 already. Don't forget to give yourself one. Now you're up to 2 hugs! Please be mindful of people's personal space. This World is full of beautiful, sensitive & unique people. First, ask them if it is okay to enter the personal space so that you can give them a hug. This will show the other people that you honor & respect them & their personal space. If they say "NO!", that is okay. Give them an air HUG, because it really all about positive & loving #Energy. If you need another #SelfCare tip, add hugging to your SelfCare routine. Even a VIRTUAL 🤗one has positive benefits.
Happy hugging 🤗!
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 
#NationalHugDay #Hug #SelfCare #Energy #Healing #MindBodySoul #TouchTherapy #Wellness #Affection #HealthyMentality #Love #Welcome #Embrace #TouchHealing #PositiveVibes #BearHug #Squeeze #Awareness #Mentality #Spiritual #SelfCareTips #Celebrate #LifeCoaching #Cuddle #Receive #RevolvingLove 
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to Aquarius Season ♒️ 2022

    Welcome to the Waterbearer's Season, as known as Aquarius Season ♒. Aquarius Season is from January 20th-February 18th. Aquarius is symbolized by the Waterbearer or water carrier. Even though water helps to symbolize #Aquarius, their Zodiac element is Air. This means when they do talk, pay attention because it will be powerful. Aquarius' Zodiac Quality is Fixed, which means they have determination. Aquarians are known for their great ideas. The Sister/Brother sign you can learn the MOST from are the Leos ♌️. You both enjoy relationships yet approach them with a different style. Aquarians, you are AIR 🌬, Leos are FIRE 🔥 and you both spark each toher in a poaitive way. Thank you Aquarians for teaching the World integrity & how to be a humanitarian.  Happy Birthday to the Aquarians🎉♒! Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 
#Aquarius #AquariusSeason #WaterBearer #Humanitarian #Determination #DeepThinkers #Persistent #January #February #AquariusSeason #Air #FixedSign #SunSigns #Uranus #ZodiacSign #Water #AquariusNation #Aquarians #Astrology #Revolvinglove 
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Wellness Check January 2022

Hi, how are you doing? I just want to check-in with you. Venus Retrograde is still in Retrograde until the end of this month, on the 29th. Mercury Retrograde recently just begun and will be here until February 3rd. I'm seeing these two Energies are definitely kicking up A LOT of dust. Even though it may seem uncomfortable it is necessary to review, slow down & possibly give closure when needed.
Here are some beneficial #SelfCareTips to help assist you during this time:
♡ Set and enforcing your boundaries.
♡ Balance your relationships.
♡ Allow change to come in.
♡ Maintain your Peace.
♡ Let go of what know longer works for you.
♡ Honor your emotions.
♡ Journal your experience & emotions.
♡ Drink water.
♡ Allow yourself Extra ME time to decompress.
♡ Acknowledge that things will not always be perfect.
♡ Properly communicate your needs.
♡ Continue or pick up an old hobby for a positive outlet.
♡ Go for a walk, run &/or gentle  exercise to keep circulation & #Enrgy movement flowing.
♡ Slow down and take your time.
♡ Allow, Respect & honor your Healing. Try adding them to your regular #SelfCare routine.
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms
#Wellness #Check #Energy #Healing #SelfCare #SelfCareTips #MercuryRetrograde #VenusRetrograde #MindyBodySoul #MindBodySpirit #HealthyMentality #WellBeing #Health #InnerPeace #InnerWork #Review #Refocus #LOA #Success #Balance #Security #Harmony #Astrology #RevolvingLove 
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to the Full Moon in Cancer 🌕♋!

     Welcome to the Full Moon in Cancer 🌕♋, also known as the Full Wolf Moon.
Strong and emotional! A conclusion to a situation from the past that may have forced you to make an emotional decision. This HEALING Energy! This Full Moon in Cancer 🌕♋ is assisting you will closure for the 2021, the ending of a year & Age. The Full Wolf Moon is continuing the beginning of a New Year with new ambitions. Please be patient with yourself and allow yourself to Heal from the old & learn a new process. We are still at the beginning of Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 🌌♑, inner work is the focus #Wnrgy during this time. Remember to practice your #SelfCare routine regularly. Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms
#FullMoonInCancer #Energy #FullWolfMoon #CancerFullMoon #Healing #Closure #Protection #Ambition #Emotional #Family #MercuryRetrograde #Goals #VenusInRetrograde #LOA #Learn
#UranusInRetrograde #FullMoon #MoonCycle #Moon #NewYear2022 #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius/Capricorn 🌌♒♑!

     Welcome to Mercury Retrograde 🌌! This is the first out of four Mercury Retrogrades for 2022. The first Mercury Retrograde will be January 14th through February 3rd, 2022. This Mercury Retrograde will be in 2 different signs, first in Aquarius♒, then finalizing in Capricorn ♑ January 25th until Februar y3rd, 2022. This Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius/Capricorn 🌌♒♑ will focus on reviewing your basic needs & responsibilities for a more solid foundation. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which focuses on technology,  unexpected events & innovation. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is the great teacher. Mercury in Aquarius may bring unexpected events & some technology issues. Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn will be a teacher in your personal & professional life. Here are some awarenesses for Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius/Capricorn 🌌♒♑ are:
-Try to delay or avoid all property or real estate activity. You can definitely research & plan but use caution with purchasing, selling or renting.
-Double check documents for misspellings, punctuation or grammar errors.
-Practice saving data regularly & apply routine computer scans.
-Allow extra time for travel, even daily travel to work &/or school, appointments & special events.
-Communicate properly to lessen miscommunication.
-Seek clarity for better understanding.
These awarenesses should applied until 3-4 after Mercury goes Direct on February 3rd.
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 
#MercuryRetrograde #Energy #MercuryRetrogradeInCapricorn #FullMoonInCancer #MercuryRetrogradeInAquarius #Review #Refocus #Saturn #Goal #Basic #Responsiblity #Boundaries #Balance #VenusInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #FullMoon #MoonCycle #Moon #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

☆ ☀️ Sun Sextiles Neptune ☆ & ☆ Mars Squares Neptune ☆

Monday 01/10/22

☆ ☀️ Sun Sextiles Neptune ☆
Great #Energy for Spiritual & Artistic activities & exercises. Favorable time for compassion towards others, volunteering, charitable contributions. Experiencing deeper Spiritual & creative goals & activities.

*Duration 2 days.

~ AND ~

☆ Mars Squares Neptune ☆
A feeling of confidence in your actions, especially when dealing with unfairness, inequity, cruelty & dishonesty.
Positive influences & enthusiasm in participation in Art & Music.

Awareness: Misunderstandings, disorganization, Inattentive, unmotivated & oversensitivity

*Duration 2 days, but can be felt 2-3 before & after.

♡ SelfcareTip: Please remember we are in the shadow period for our 1st Mercury Retrograde of 2022. Some of these awarenesses are preparing us for that time period starting Friday 01/14/22.
•Practice your #SelfCare routine regularly during this.
•Properly communicate with others so that your message is clear to lessen misunderstandings. 
•Think before reacting.
•Get proper clarification if communication seems unclear.
•Play, sing & dance to your favorite songs (playlist).
•Volunteer at your favorite charity or deliver/give a donation.
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 

☆ ☀️ Sun Conjunts Venus ♀️☆

Saturday 01/08/22

☆ ☀️ Sun Conjunts Venus ♀️ ☆
Great #Energy to enjoy the different categories & activities of the Arts. Also favorable Energy to have quick ideas about how to increase your financial income.
Increased feelings of empathy, compassion, love & beauty. 

*Duration 2 days.
Awareness: Venus is still Retrograded until 01/29/22.