☆ November First Quarter Moon 🌓♒️ ☆

☆ November First Quarter Moon 🌓♒️ ☆
#FirstQuarterMoon #First #Quarter #Moon #MoonCycle #Luna #MoonPhases #LunaMoon #MoonMagic #MoonGoddess #TheMoon #WaxingMoon #CrescentMoon #WaxingGibbous #Astrology #Astronomy #Daily #DailyAstrology #MarsInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

☆ Mars In Retrograde 2022/2023 ☆

       Mars now joins the Retrograde Team! Welcome to Mars Retrograde. Mars is offically in Retrograde until January 12th,  2023. Mars rules #Energy, passion, determination, effort, drive, sexual matters, competition, ambition & #War. Mars also rules Scorpios. Scorpios, you may feel more drained during this time. Even though this is your Birthday Season, please don't over do it because your ruling Planet is already warning you to slow down & don't over indulge during this time This is a great time for you to nurture yourself & go within by trusting your own inner guidance. The awarenesses also applies heavily to Aries because Mars rules your Zodiac sign as well. Also Geminis will be heavily effected because Mars is Retrograded in Gemini on Sunday, October 30th, 2022. Mars in Retrograde will bring challenges of mental & physical strength, willpower, patience and actions (both verb and noun meaning of the word). 
      Mars Retrograde will make sure the work, goals, projects that you put out are because you wanted to &/or for a purpose. How do I sum up Mars in Retrograde? Mars in Retrograde give you the WHY? & HOW? Why am I doing this? &/or How is going to benefit me? These two questions may come up for you from now until mid-January 2023. It will effect your personal & professional life. Mars in Retrograde brings clarity to you to see if your efforts are actually producing a positive result(s).
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms
#Mars #MarsInRetrograde #Energy #Physical #Mental #Passion #Determination #Effort #Drive #Competition #Ambition #MarsInRetrograde #Projects #Work #Goals #Daily #Astrology #Astrological #Action #Movement #Mentality #HealthyMentality #Clarity #Awareness  #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #Astronomy #RevolvingLove 
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)
@revolvinglove (Pinterest)

Saturn Direct 🌌

Saturn is officially Direct! Saturn went Direct on Sunday, October 23rd, 2022. Saturn was Retrograded from 4 months & 19 days or 141 days. Sometimes it takes a few days for the #Energy to clear & moving forward when a planet has been Retrograded so long. Capricorn ♑️ & Aquarians (Aquarius) ♒️ will be feeling better & moving forward on projects you've been working on. Everyone will feel a little a great sigh of relief, ability to move forward &/or less obstacles. Saturn is the Teacher the Disciplinarian in teaching us Life Lessons. Saturn makes us work hard but it's never without a REWARD after. Saturn builds structure and foundations and these solid beginning are long lasting.
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 
#Saturn #SaturnDirect Energy #BackToLife #LifeLesson #Teacher #Discipline #ForwardMovement #Capricorn #Aquarius #Projects #Goals #Relief #Daily #Astrology #Astrological #NeptuneInRetrograde #Action#UranusInRetrograde #Movement#JupiterInRetrograde #Astronomy #DailyAstrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)
@revolvinglove (Pinterest)

☆ Mercury Trines Mars ☆ & ☆ Mercury Squares Pluto ☆

Thursday 10/27/22
☆ Mercury Trines Mars ☆
Revitalizing Mentally & Refreshing physically. Great #Energy for taking action on plans and productive activities. Also Great #Energy for communication and improvement on verbal skills.


☆ Mercury Squares Pluto ☆
Be aware of power struggles, obsessive thoughts, Group work could possibly have tension. Great #Energy for investigating, taboo topics, psychological analysis, secret information coming out, conspiracy, mystery, &  researching.
*Felt a day in 1-2 before or after.

Welcome to the Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 🌑♏️!

Welcome to the Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 🌑♏️, also known as the New Moon in Scorpio 🌑♏️. We are now entering into Eclipse Season. All Eclipses from earlier this year and the Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 🌕♉️ on November 7th-8th, 2022 (depending on where you are in the World 🌎) can be felted now. Eclipse #Energy is so Powerful that they can be felt 6 months before & 6 months after the Eclipse event. This Partial Solar Eclipse has A LOT of emotions and strength attached to it. The two most important focuses for this Partial Solar Eclipse are Change & Miracles. Be prepared and ready for Miraculous Changes. For each person these changes are different. They are positive changes if you don't resist it. In true Scorpio form, they're a mystery but please keep in mind that the miraculous changes are to empower, inspire &/or motivate you. You are being realigned to your True path of Destiny. Blessings & Happy Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. May ALL your Positive Blessings be unveiled to you during this time. 
Blessings💜A'Ja Simms #NewMoonInScorpio #PartialSolarEclipseInScorpio #Love #Money #Empower #Positive #Change #LifeChanges #Realignment #Motivation #NewMoon #MoonCycle #Moon #PartialSolarEclipse #SaturnDirect #VenusInScorpio #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #Eclipse #JupiterInRetrograde #Astronomy #EclipseSeason #RetrogradeSeason #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)
@revolvinglove (Pinterest)

Welcome to Scorpio Season ♏️ 2022!

Welcome to Scorpio Season ♏. Let the mysterious season begin! Scorpios are symbolized by an "M"  with a scorpion stinger at one end. The Zodiac Element for Scorpio is Water, which means the serve  in their emotions. Yup, they are a Water sign even though they are known for their Firey actions. Their Zodiac Quality is Fixed, which means they must stick to the decisions they make. Scorpio is ruled by planet Mars & Pluto. Get some extra rest now, because Mars goes Retrograde October 30th until the January 2023. During this time you may feel a little more sluggish. So this is a Great time to enjoy yourself and use your energy wisely because starting next week you'll be doing a lot of inner work for positive changes in your Life. 
Thank you Scorpios, for teaching the World how to enjoy a little mystery, as well as the awareness of self-protection. Happy Birthday 🎉 to the Scorpios ♏!!! Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 
#Scorpio #Energy #ScorpioSeason #HappyBirthday #Scorpion #SelfCareTips #SelfCare #WaterSign #FixedSign #Zodiac #ScorpioNation
#Boss #Passionate #Reproduction #Phoenix #Mysterious #Protection #Mars #Pluto #SaturnInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #Astrology
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Astrological Party ☀️♀️🌌🥳

Wednesday 10/19/22
☆ ☀️Sun Conjunts Venus ♀️ ☆
Great #Energy to enjoy the different categories & activities of the Arts. Also favorable Energy to have quick ideas about how to increase your financial income. Increased feelings of empathy, compassion, love & beauty.
*Duration 8 days.


☆ ☀️Sun Squares Pluto ☆
Increased Will power, motivation, more Energy to make a change, determination & inspiration. Encouraging help from people you look up too, mentor or influential person.
♡Awareness: Control issues, suspicious mind frame, being too forceful.
*Duration 2 days. Felt a day in 2 before or after.


☆ ♀️Venus Squares Pluto ☆
Feeling extremely positive & passionate about something or someone. Strong sexual attraction, deeper feelings &/or actions that heightened your feelings. Great #Energy for courageous financial decision.
♡Awareness: Intense emotions. Feeling obsessed. Power struggles. Financial trickery &/or manipulation.
*Duration 2 days. Felt 1-2 days before &/or after.

☆ ☀️Sun Trines Mars ☆ & ☆ Last Quarter Moon 🌗♋️ ☆

Monday 10/17/22
☆ ☀️Sun Trines Mars ☆
Higher motivation in achieving tasks &/or your goals. Great #Energy for competitive & business activities. Also a Great time to start something new. Vitality Increased. Good relationships with men. Sport events & activities are favored during this time.
*Duration 2 days.


☆ Last Quarter Moon 🌗♋️  ☆
Last Quarter Moon in Cancer