Welcome to the last month of 2022, December! Here are some important highlights for this month: -on Saturday 12/03/22 Neptune Direct -on Wednesday 12/07/22 Full Moon in Gemini -on Wednesday 12/21/22 Winter Solstice -on Friday 12/23/22 New Moon in Capricorn -on Thursday 12/29/22 Mercury Retrogrades. Blessings A'Ja Simms #December #Energy #EndOf2022 #NeptuneDirect #FullMoonInGemini #DecemberFullMoon #DecemberNewMoon #NewMoonInCapricorn #MercuryRetrograde #MercuryInRetrograde #Astrology #Astronomy #Daily #MoonCycle #Moon #FullMoon #NewMoon #MoonPhases #DailyAstrology #MarsInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @RevolvingLove(Pinterest) www.Revolvinglove.com
Day: December 1, 2022
Astrological Party
Thursday 12/1/22 ☆ Mercury Squares Neptune ☆ Creative activities & talents are highlighted during this energy. Great time to start a hobby &/or nurture your talents. ♡Awareness: This energy also can bring some confusion, possible miscommunication or misinformation. Double check your documents or messages before submitting. *Duration 2 days. Felt 1-2 days before &/or after. ~AND~ ☆ Venus Sextiles Saturn ☆ Positive judgement. Great #Energy for being happy at work with harmony and fulfillment. Women will feel more balanced. *Duration 2 days. Felt 1-2 days before &/or after. ~AND~ ☆ Venus Opposes Mars ☆ Opposites attract. Great #Energy to declare your wishes. Strong sexual attraction. Heightened awareness to your partners wishes. ♡Awareness: Someone provokes you in a pushy way. Hesitation about something. Conflict with your partner.