Welcome to the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse , also known as the Full Moon in Taurus! This Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon can also be called the Full Frost Moon & Full Beaver Moon . Eclipse Energy means CHANGE. This Total Lunar Eclipse is POWERFUL because it has the energy from the last Eclipse (October 2022) and the next Eclipse (which is in April 2023) attached to it. Eclipses changes can be felt &/or occur 6 months before & 6 month after the Eclipse event takes place. I stated all that to say, we may not see the changes now bit they will be implemented within the next 6 months. By that time, we'll be at the next Eclipse. The #Energy for this Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will focus on Life Changes & finances that will bring more stability & security. This will effect your personal & professional life. There will be changes to help stabilize & secure your physical, emotional & mental state. This will be done by adjusting to new situations &/or experiences as well as embracing new ideas. Blessings A'Ja Simms #FullMoonLunarEclipseInTaurus #Energy #LunarEclipseInTaurus #LunarEclipse #FullMoonInTaurus #NovemberFullMoon #Change #LifeChanges #Finance #Adjust#Moon #MoonCycle #FullMoon #Eclipse #Retrograde#Astrology #Astronomy #Daily #DailyAstrology #MarsInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @RevolvingLove(Pinterest) www.Revolvinglove.com
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