Welcome to Saturn in Retrograde! Saturn now joins Pluto in this Retrograde Season. Saturn will be Retrograded until October 23rd, 2022. Saturn is the Great Teacher that teaches discipline & structure. Structure & guidelines are a less restricted during this time. It's time to rely on your on self-discipline and the structure foundation you were building. Saturn Retrograde focuses on erasing old boundaries to set new ones. Saturn Retrograde #Energy expresses Freedom & being a free-spirit. This is a self-reflection & slowing down period for Capricorns ♑️ & Aquarians (Aquarius) ♒️ people. For all other Zodiac signs, think of Saturn Retrograde as school recess time. ♡Friendly reminder Mercury is official Direct. Geminis ♊️ & Virgos ♍️ WILL feel better and can proceed forward with goals & manifestations. Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms #Energy #Saturn #SaturnInRetrograde #Capricorn #Aquarius #SelfDiscipline #Recess #Freedom #FreeSpirit #Carefree #Freedom #RetrogradeSeason #Retrograde #PlutoInRetrograde #Astrology #Astronomy #Daily #DailyAstrology #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @RevolvingLove(Pinterest) www.Revolvinglove.com