Welcome to GeminiSeason! The symbol for Gemini are the two lines that represent Twins or two bright stars. Their Zodiac Quality is Mutable, which means adapt quickly to change. Geminis Zodiac Element is Air, which means they are great speakers. Geminians embrace logic and being witty. Some people think that Geminians have two different sides to them. That would make perfect sense, because they need balance due to their characteristics of being intellectuals and spontaneous. Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Mercury Retrograde highly effects you, as well as your Sister sign the Virgos. Thank you to the Geminis for teaching the World how to communicate, be sociable & spontaneously curious. Happy Birthday to the Geminis
! Blessings
A'Ja Simms #Gemini #GeminiSeason #TheTwin #Mercury #TheLovers #SunSign #HappyBirthday #Happy #Birthday #GeminiNation #Adaptable #Logic #Spontaneous #Communicate #Sociable #Thinker #May #June #Airsign #MutableSign #Geminis #Zodiac #ZodiacSign #MercuryRetrograde #Astrology #Revolvinglove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @RevolvingLove(Pinterest) www.Revolvinglove.com