Welcome to the Paschal Full Moon in Libra! This Full Moon's #Energy will determine you relationships. If it's not working, it will dissolve. If it's working it will flourish to new levels
️. Libra is about Harmony & Balance. There has to Harmony & Balance in your relationship. This Paschal Full Moon in Libra is assisting you in releasing people that may not be good for your Spiritual journey or encouraging you to cherish the ones that remain & support you in your Spiritual journey. The most important relationship that this Paschal Full Moon in Libra
is focusing on is the relationship with YOURSELF! This Full Pink Moon in Libra
is making sure your acknowledge & accept Harmony & Balance within YOURSELF. Blessings
A'Ja Simms #PaschalFullMoonInLibra #PaschalFullMoon #FullMoonInLibra #Energy #Healing #Yourself #Harmony #Balance #FullPinkMoonInLibra #FullPinkMoon #Relationship #LOA #HealthyMentality #FullMoon #MoonCycle #Moon #MoonPhase #MoonMagic #Springtime #Astrology #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @revolvinglove(Pinterest) www.Revolvinglove.com