Friday 01/29/22 ☆Venus Direct ☆ What does it mean that Venus
is going Direct? Now that Venus is going Direct, personally there will be more resolutions to financial & relationship issues. Even the complicated ones. Professionally, this will be more cooperative agreements, contracts, collaborations, & relationships. Please remember relationships include family, friends, business, romance. And the most important relationship is with yourself. Taurus & Libra Zodiac signs will start to feel better & become more active. Blessings
A'Ja Simms #Venus #VenusDirect #Finance #Relationship #Romance #Money #Family #Friends #Love #LOA #Collaboration #SelfCareTips #InvestInYourself #Success #LifeCoaching #Financial #MercuryRetrograde #Astrology #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @revolvinglove(Pinterest) www.Revolvinglove.com