Welcome to the Full Moon in Gemini 🌕♊

      Welcome to the Full Moon in Gemini 🌕♊, also known as the Full Cold Moon 🌬🌕. This is the last Full Moon for the year 2021 & it time to allow let go of things that want to fall away. It is time to make form decisions to create positive changes. This Full Moon in Gemini 🌕♊ focuses on being open to new opportunities to improve finances and maintaining great health. Embrace the Full Moon in Gemini's #Energy by investing in yourself. The Full Cold Moon 🌬🌕 is a reminder to prepare for the Winter Season that is swiftly approaching.
♡ Here are some beneficial #SelfcareTips for this Full Cold Moon:
-Reach out to support if you need help or need to talk.
-Enjoy yourself & have fun! Keep in mind and practice moderation.
-Know your limits. This can be applied to people, places and things. This also applies your Energy.
-Allow 2021 lessons to stay in 2021, acknowledge the lesson and remember your growth.
-Be innovative & open to creating something new. Be detailed & eccentric.
-Invest in yourself. You may choose to take another direction with your finances by investing in something new or different. Please don't forget that investing in your health & wellbeing is always a benefit to yourself.
Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms 
#FullMoonInGemini #FullColdMoon #Awareness #Gratitude #Energy #Motivation #Encouragement #Appreciation #Shine #Success #SelfCare #Beyond #GeminiFullMoon #LawOfAttraction #InvestInYourself #DecemberFullMoon #WinterSolstice #FullMoon #MoonCycle #EndOf2021 #HealthyLifestyle #HealthyMentality #VenusInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #Astrology #Revolvinglove 
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Mercury Ingress Capricorn & Mars Ingress Sagittarius

Monday 12/13/21Mercury Ingress Capricorn ☆
Great Energy for practical communication through writing, business, managing & organizing.

~ AND ~

☆ Mars Ingress Sagittarius ☆
Positive & enthusiastic Energy for sports, sales travel, education (teaching & learning), international business & competitive business. Great multi-tasking Energy to focus on goals & different tasks.

Awareness: Leos, Aries &  Sagittarians will feel this Energy more to their advantage with forward movement. Virgos, Pisces & Gemini will be active but will have less of advantage.

Venus conjuncts Pluto & Mercury Sextile Jupiter

Saturday 12/11/21Venus conjuncts Pluto ☆
Increase in deep attraction & passion. Strong magnetic pull to someone or an intense passionate experience. Empowerment with the ability to negotiate very well with successful people. Support from your partner.

*Will last for 2-3 days.

♡ AND ♡

☆ Mercury Sextile Jupiter ☆
Positive & optimistic energy that can produce more opportunities. This energy supports legal matters, international business & education. Great & beneficial energy for travel & business.

*Can be felt a day before or after

♡ SelfcareTips ♡:
-Allow yourself to pamper yourself.
-Treat yourself & take yourself on a date or with your partner.
-Be open to take ACTION on new business opportunities.
-Be ready to negotiate with power people. 

Mars Squares Jupiter

Wednesday 12/08/21Mars Squares Jupiter ☆
Determination & strong desire for success &/or achieving goals. Strong Empowering & motivating energy. Great time for anyone in sales, retail, sports and anything that involves competition.

Awareness: Pushing yourself too much by over scheduling, overdoing, over committing &/over indulging. 

*This energy can be felt 3-4 days before & after the 8th

♡SelfcareTips:-Stay balanced in your personal & professional life.
                           -Write your schedule & appointments down &/or input them into you devices.
                           -Maintain your wellness. Moderation is key.
                          -Stay focus on one task at a time.

☆ Mercury Squares Neptune ☆

Tuesday 12/07/21Mercury Squares Neptune ☆

Creative activities & talents are highlighted during this energy. Great time to start a hobby &/or nurture your talents.

Awareness: This energy also can bring some confusion, possible miscommunication or misinformation. Double check your documents or messages before submitting.
*This energy will last for 1-2 days after the 7th.

Welcome to the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐!

         Welcome to the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐, also known as the New Moon in Sagittarius 🌑♐! This event is taking place on Saturday, December 04, 2021. The Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐ is the last Eclipse and New Moon for 2021. This Total Solar Eclipse is positively POWERFUL #Energy that focuses on discovering your inner hero, re-evaluating your relationships (including the relationship with yourself) to regain balance, Life & career changes & Spiritual Awakenings. This Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is ushering in to invest in yourself & your abilities. Reframe from competition with others because your Energy needs to be focused on you & achieving your goals. Assert yourself in new investments, experiences & projects. The are alot of lessons to be learned from relationships at this time. Divine connections will be discovered & explored during this time. Be more loving to yourself because these connections will come to you. Your values & goals may change for the better as well as a healthy boost of knowing your self worth. Passion, Hope & Healing for your dreams is being restored during this time. This is also a great time to gain stability in your finances by creating structured budget.
♡ Signs must effected by this Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐ are Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini & Pisces. All signs are affected to some degree. ♡
☆ Please remeber that Eclipse energy can last up until 6 months before and after the Eclipse event. So this #Energy will still be around until late May 2022. Allow yourself to use this Energy in a Proactive way.
☆ Please check my last post (Wellness Check between the Eclipses) for some beneficial #SelfCareTips to navigate through this Eclipse Energy.
Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms
#TotalSolarEclipse #Energy #NewMoonInSagittarius #TotalSolarEclipseInSagittarius #SpiritualAwakening #InvestInYourself #Healing #Relationships #Goals #NewBeginnings #Stability #Finances #Career #LifeChanging #UranusInRetrograde #NewMoon #Sun #Moon #MoonCycle #SolarEclipse #Eclipse #SolarEclipse2021 #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to December🌌🌬❄!

     Welcome to December 2021 🌌🌬❄! This month is packed with A LOT of Positive forward movement #Energy. Here are some important highlights for this month on:
-Wenesday 12/01/21 Neptune goes Direct
-Saturday 12/04/21 Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐ (New Moon in Sagittarius)
-Friday 12/18/21 Full Moon in Gemini 🌕♊
- Saturday 12/19/21 Venus Retrogrades 
-Tuesday 12/21/21 Winter Solstice 🌬❄ (In the Northern Hemisphere)
☆ Some of the juiciest fruits in season for month of December are apples, oranges & pears. Try to adding some to your holiday celebrations this month for receive some nutritional benefits. Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms 
#December #Energy #TotalSolarEclipseInSagittarius #TotalSolarEclipse #NewMoonInSagittarius #NeptuneDirect #FullMoonInGemini #WinterSolstice #WinterSolstice2021 #VenusRetrograde #Manifestations #Harvest #UranusInRetrograde #NewMoon #Solstice #SolarEclipse #FullMoon #MoonCycle #Eclipse #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)