Welcome to December 2021! This month is packed with A LOT of Positive forward movement #Energy. Here are some important highlights for this month on: -Wenesday 12/01/21 Neptune goes Direct -Saturday 12/04/21 Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
(New Moon in Sagittarius) -Friday 12/18/21 Full Moon in Gemini
- Saturday 12/19/21 Venus Retrogrades -Tuesday 12/21/21 Winter Solstice
(In the Northern Hemisphere) ☆ Some of the juiciest fruits in season for month of December are apples, oranges & pears. Try to adding some to your holiday celebrations this month for receive some nutritional benefits. Blessings
A'Ja Simms #December #Energy #TotalSolarEclipseInSagittarius #TotalSolarEclipse #NewMoonInSagittarius #NeptuneDirect #FullMoonInGemini #WinterSolstice #WinterSolstice2021 #VenusRetrograde #Manifestations #Harvest #UranusInRetrograde #NewMoon #Solstice #SolarEclipse #FullMoon #MoonCycle #Eclipse #Astrology #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram) @RevolvingLove(Facebook Page) @4everaja(Twitter) @revolvinglove(Pinterest) www.Revolvinglove.com