Welcome to the New Moon in Cancer 🌑♋!

Welcome to the New Moon in Cancer 🌑♋! The #Energy for this New Moon in Cancer 🌑♋ focuses on being gentle with yourself because a Life changing shift is STILL happening now. This Energy may be a little sensitive & protective. Here are some #SelfCareTips to add or start during this New Moon in Cancer:
-Hydration. Please drink the appropriate amount of water for YOUR body.
-Set healthy boundaries during this time. It’s not selfish to protect your Inner Peace.
-Allow change(s) to come in with as less resistance as possible. It is what it is with the past. That’s doesn’t mean your pain or hurt isn’t real. But what’s really real is your present & future. Please choose to Heal now, for a brighter future.
-When possible, safely connect with supportive friends & family. It’s always good to be around supportive loved ones. Also be open to new friends &/or family members.
-Embrace & CELEBRATE 🎇 your new beginnings. Don’t forget to celebrate every milestone, no matter how small it is. Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms
NewMoonInCancer #Energy #Change #NewBeginnings #Healing #LifeChanges #SelfCareTips #ChangeYourMindset #Celebrate #Transformation #Development #SpiritualGrowth #New
JupiterInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #NewMoon #MoonCycle #Retrograde #Season #Astrology #Revolvinglove
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