Wellness Check 🌼

Wellness Check! How’s new with you? Are you enjoying the Spring weather?
Here are some Spring #SelfCareTips:
-Add vibrant colors to a room.
-Pick a room & rearrange the furniture around.
-Bring nature indoors by
-Practice a new hobby or take a online class.
-Allow extra play & cuddle time with your fur babies.
-Explore seasonal foods for a new healthy snack or meal.
-Aromatherapy with essential oils.
-Schedule down-time from Social Media & technology.
If you haven’t already, create your #SelfCare routine, then commit to practicing it regularly.
Blessings💚 A’Ja Simms
#Wellness #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #SelfCareTips #Energy #PositiveThinking #FengShui #Breeze #Change #Sunshine #Gratitude #Aromatherapy #Citrus #SelfCare #PositiveAttitude #Love  #HealthyMentality #LifeCoaching #LOA #Revolvinglove
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